Hey Hun! – A hilarious one-page RPG based on the ridiculousness of MLM companies

I’m so glad someone made this. I’ve always enjoyed poking fun at MLMs by sending emoji-laced, over-enthusiastic texts to my friends to try to rope them into awesome business opportunities. This game is that vibe, but cranked up to 11.

Hey Hun! is a satirical one-page TTRPG wherein players take on the roles of new Recruits for The Company, a massive conglomeration and producer of cheap products hell-bent on one thing: complete late-stage capitalism domination at all cost. Fight the system, join them, or usurp power – the choice is yours!


This one page RPG, now available on itch for “pay what you want”, tackles the nitty gritty world of multi-level marketing with a satirical slant.

In the game, you play as Recruits. You’re sacrificing Downlines to progress the 3 act structure of a one-shot story. The way this game takes the mechanics of an MLM and fuses them into an RPG is absolutely genius.

One of my favorite parts of this game is the Story Pyramid Tetrahedronic Success Formation, which represents your progress through the story. Each row, upon being completed, culminates in The Company wising up and discarding its lowest value cards, resulting in a more difficult time beating them in the game of high card used as a resolution mechanic.

Eventually, you reach the top of the pyramid totally legit and fair power structure and have to face The Boss.

Note that while this game does take a satirical approach to MLMs, the author also recognizes that these business schemes have a very real human cost.

Hey Hun! is intended to lampoon the predatory practices of extra-legal multi-level marketing schemes that prey on vulnerable people for the sake of massive profits (and maybe a bit of human suffering).


Keeping that in mind, this game does a great job at poking fun at something that has a very real impact in our world, and maybe bringing a little bit of attention to the ridiculousness of the real life MLM schemes that even the best of us get roped into every now and again.

If this sounds like something your table would enjoy, you can get it for $3.00 (or whatever you want to pay, but you should throw the author a few bucks!) on author Chris Hallenbeck’s itch.io page here.

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