I’ve gotten a lot of mileage out of this oracle so far. Maybe you’ll find it helpful as well.
1d6 | Yes/No | Distance | Vibe | Spark |
1-2 | No | Close | Bad | Sinister | Risk Omen | Dark Death | Sick |
3-4 | No, but | Nearby | Neutral | Block | Entity Trust | Rival Weather | Fall |
5-6 | Yes | Far | Good | Gift | Ally Guide | Heal Clue | Safety |
7+ | Yes, and | Special | Special | Twist | Quest Path | Call Rarity | Magic |
To modulate the results, I typically add +/- 1 for more/less likely, which unlocks the 7+ results in some cases. The spark column can and should be customized to include words that evoke ideas for you. I usually use whichever word my eye falls on first in the rolled row, but you can also use combinations of words in the row to come up with an idea.