A tarot reader looking at tarot cards.
Photo by Alina Vilchenko: https://www.pexels.com/photo/assorted-tarot-cards-on-table-3088369/

Super Simple Solo Oracle

I’ve gotten a lot of mileage out of this oracle so far. Maybe you’ll find it helpful as well.

1-2NoCloseBadSinister | Risk
Omen | Dark
Death | Sick
3-4No, butNearbyNeutralBlock | Entity
Trust | Rival
Weather | Fall
5-6YesFarGoodGift | Ally
Guide | Heal
Clue | Safety
7+Yes, andSpecialSpecialTwist | Quest
Path | Call
Rarity | Magic

To modulate the results, I typically add +/- 1 for more/less likely, which unlocks the 7+ results in some cases. The spark column can and should be customized to include words that evoke ideas for you. I usually use whichever word my eye falls on first in the rolled row, but you can also use combinations of words in the row to come up with an idea.

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