Welcome to Tales of Twig & Twine, a game where you play ordinary people thrust into extraordinary circumstances.
Begin your journey from the medievally mundane into the magical as anyone you can imagine, and quickly find yourself brushing up against the ancient powers that dwell in the forgotten places of the world.
Tales of Twig & Twine is a GM-optional, fiction-first role-playing game. Its most novel mechanic is that actions always succeed, you only roll to see what they cost you.
The core principles of this game are:
- Fiction-first: If the rules ever get in the way of a good story, kick the rules out.
- Frictionless: The system & rules are designed to get out of your way. Besides referencing random tables, you should never have to check the rule book after reading it once.
- Dynamic: Tales of Twig & Twine is designed to weave a tale of normal people thrust into coexistence with legendary magic. The story always starts off quite ordinary, but through Encounters with Magic, you and your story will change dramatically.
- GM-Optional: You can play co-op, solo, or with a GM.
- Failure isn’t fun: Since failure isn’t fun, you don’t fail in this game. You only roll to decide what an action costs.
- Dying isn’t fun: It’s very hard to actually die in this game. Depleting your stats is how your character gains new skills
The game requires only a single six-sided die and some way to record your adventure.